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Friday, 27 May 2011

An Alternative to Local Anesthesia as You Know It

For many people, getting 'the needle' is the thing they least look forward to when they visit the dentist. However, local anesthetic is often an essential component of successful, comfortable dental procedure. The days of being a patient before the invention of anesthetics could be quite horrific indeed!

At Metro Dental Care, we offer an alternative method of local anaesthetic delivery utilizing the STA (Single Tooth Anesthesia) Unit. It differs from 'traditional' local anesthetic delivery in that instead of the dentist pumping the anesthetic, the flow is instead controlled by a computer. Since most discomfort during anesthesia is actually from pressure and rate flow from the anesthetic fluid rather than the actual penetration of the needle, using a computer to control the flow rate of the anesthetic so that it is slow and constant could result in a different experience. We offer both traditional and computer-controlled anesthetic options to our patients at no additional expense.

To learn more about the device and patient feedbacks, please visit the following:

Friday, 13 May 2011

Hollywood Dental Works

This blog is intended to provide dentistry-related information to the general public. However, it may be appropriate to post some more light-hearted and entertaining, though still dentistry related, topics once in a while.

Today's post is a sampling of Hollywood celebrities' before/after dental work shots.

*Disclaimer: Metro Dental Care did not render any of the treatments on the individuals listed below.

To learn more about cosmetic dental procedures, please visit

Zac Efron had his diastema (gap between his teeth) closed. Diastemas could be closed with braces, composite fillings or veneers. However other celebrities such as David Letterman and Madona are still proudly sporting theirs.

Katherine Heigl had Invisalign orthodontic treatment for her slightly retroclined central incisors.

'I got them because of this wonky tooth,' she told In Style. 'It's awesome because every two weeks you switch to a new retainer. Pretty much the perfect way to describe Invisalign is Netflix for your teeth'

Demi Moore possibly had a combination of tooth whitening and veneer works?

Catherine Zeta-Jones had some prosthodontic work done on her upper anterior teeth, either crowns or veneers.

It was interesting doing the research for this post. While to the trained eye it's apparent that some of the aforementioned celebrities have had some sort of dental work done, some came as a surprise.

Whatever nature did not give you, as in the case of the sampled celebrities, cosmetic dentistry is available to give you that 'Hollywood smile' if you so desire. However, there is nothing wrong with dental imperfection. A healthy, functional smile is the most beautiful smile of them all!